> What are the TYPES OF WORK PROCESSES - sapbasis


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Tuesday, 2 January 2018


            Each instance can have one or more processes depending upon configuration

1)      Dialog process
2)      Background process
3)      Update process
4)      Spool process
5)      Gateway process
6)      Message process
7)      Enqueue process

1) Dialog process:

            It is used to communicate with end-users. It is only the process which handles end-users request.
Each dialog process handles around 5-10 users and
each work process requires around 75-150 MB memory
The dialog work process is restricted by its runtime 600 seconds. If the process complete could not his task with in 600 seconds, the user request will be timed out.
There should be at least 2 dialog processes for each instance.

2) Background process:

It is non-interactive process which is used to handle the jobs during off-peak hours.
It does not require any user input and can run beyond 600 seconds. The 600 sec limit is only for dialog work process. Dialog process defines Background jobs and provides run time inputs has variants.
There should be at least 2 background work processes in the system. Background process runs various jobs during off-peak hours for optimum utilization of system.
Ex: During day time load on the system will be more (dialog process)
      During night time we create the load using background process.

3) Update process:

            It is used to update the database from the temporary tables. There are 2 types of updates (normally 3 types V1, V2, V3).

V1--- handle high priorities jobs
V2---handle low priorities jobs
There should be atleast one V1 update for each instance.

4) Spool process:
            It is used to print the documents. Dialog process defines the spool requests that are to be printed. Spool process converts them into output specific format and prints them in the background. As many spool processes can be configure depending upon available resources.

5) Gateway process:
            It is used to communicate between R/3 systems. There will be only one Gateway for each Instance. If Gateway is blocked, one could not communicate with the Instance.
Note: the above processes are instance specific.

6) Message process:
            Even though it is included as a processing the architecture. But its purpose is not specific to an instance. There must be only one message server in the R/3 system.
It is used for the following
a)      It is manages all the dispatches
b)      It is used to identify the least loaded instance in the landscape.

7) Enqueue process:
            It is used to lock and unlock SAP objects. The consistency in the system is maintained by using this process. In most of the environments there will be only one process but it can be increased based on the requirements.
 Ex: critical update system.
Enqueue process is also referred as enqueue server and in ideal situations enqueue and message will be installed on the same instance.
D  V E B G S [M] ----INSTANCE:  all are them installed in one instance
D V [E] B [M] G S: ------- Central Instance.
Note: Instance is nothing but Application Server

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